Thursday, 18 August 2011

History, Mystery, Ancestors and Descendants of Maitreya

One can get information about Maitreya, the World Teacher:

1. History and Mystery of Maitreya
2. Birth Cycle of World Teacher (Maitreya)
3. Maitreya and Theosophical Society of India
4. Ancestors and Descendants of Maitreya
5. Possibility to be Born and Birth Place of Maitreya

One can read the detailed article at: Facebook-Note-of-Meditation-Guru

To be Continue.....

Sunday, 14 August 2011

Meditation Guru (World Teacher - Ballia) - First Video for the Whole World

Dear Visitors,

Happy Independence Day.

Our first video is released as a tribute to all Indian Freedom Fighters.

One can get any answers by sending us the related questions @ HERE

Wait for the next article or video which elaborates our depth and height in meditation and spiritual reach.


Friday, 5 August 2011

The 2 Major Pillars of Unified Energy

The question is asked by K. Venugopal on 8/4/2011 18:25:54 regarding posted blog entry on 2-August-2011 i.e. Please clarify your first message to the whole world.

Reply to your query:

A single energy has spread all over visible and invisible universe in several forms but the two major forms of that single energy is upward directional energy [
उर्ध्मुख] and downward directional energy [अधोमुख] and we can draw a line that exactly bisects it in 50-50.

So, this energy exists in every human aspect in a 50-50 ratio and again we can draw a line on a human body too which bisects exactly in two parts vertically. The left part of the body represents & is supportive to downward directional energy and the right part of the body represents & is supportive to upward directional energy.

But as per human tendency the upward directional energy varies from 0-to-100 percent and is proportional to other type of energy but the total will always be same i.e. 100 %. A downward energy dominated person works against humanity, dharma and nature but an upward energy dominated person works for humanity and dharma and moreover innocent and poise in nature.

These days approx. more than 90% of the existing people full of downward dominated energy which is not good for humanity, dharma and nature. All illegal and corruption activities are on top priority of this kind of persons.

Krishna said in Geeta that “Yada Yada Hi Dharmashya Glanir Bhawati Bharatah” means whenever the hold of downward energy dominated people over upward energy dominated people reaches up to its highest level and be able to destroy the dharma then I will definitely be back. 

And off course, no one will be unaffected when it happens and surely the responsible individuals or communities will face associated consequences. In that case, neutrality does not make any sense.

Hope, I am clear to you.

Thursday, 4 August 2011

Lord Buddha, Osho and Jesus Christ United @ Etheric Level

Now, Lord Buddha, Osho and Jesus Christ joined-hands together at Etheric-Level and ready to react on any unwanted things which is not going to be favorable against humanity irrespective of religion, caste and regional boundaries.

The date is not so clarify but it will be going very soon. The ethric combination of these three humanity empires will establish a new era and living principles which the whole world has to follow.

Any type of negligence will create problems for individuals, groups, communities or countries.

The updates regarding it will be published as and when it is so cleared. We are also waiting for the same. People will see the miracle of this ethric combination on physical level very soon.

Please wait for updates…..

Tuesday, 2 August 2011

Our First Message to the Whole World

Now, the whole world is going to be split up into two segments.

No one will be unaffected. You have no choice.

Either you like and be with us or dislike us but you have to clarify your opinion and views.

There will be no meaning of being neutral or insensible.

Being neutral is more dangerous than being against to us.

The choice and associated consequences is all up to you.


Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Your Questions and My Answers on Meditation !!!!!

Post your questions and I will post a blog to your questions with my answers of meditation and spiritual things: